What is Gambling and How Can it Affect You?
Gambling is an activity that involves risking something of value to predict a result of an event, such as a race, lottery or dice game. It can be both a fun and a dangerous activity, with the potential to cause damage to physical, mental and emotional health. It can also have an impact on relationships, performance at work and study, get you into trouble with the law, or leave you in debt and potentially homeless.
Gamblers often need support, so don’t be afraid to ask for it. There are many resources to help you and your loved one. These include professional counselling and other support services. You can also find local gambling-related groups, like those run by Gamblers Anonymous.
Harm and addiction
As a result of its social, legal and financial significance, problem gambling is becoming increasingly widespread. Nearly four in five people in the UK have gambled at some point during their lives and for around 20 million citizens it seriously disrupts their lives.
In the past, gambling was regarded as a deviant and unacceptable behaviour. It was a behaviour that could not be tolerated and people who exhibited problem gambling were often treated with caution and restraint by family, friends and professionals.
However, this view has changed as more people have come to see gambling as an acceptable and harmless recreational activity that can be enjoyed by almost anyone. Moreover, more people have access to a range of different gambling products including online and mobile games.
For some, gambling can be a healthy way to relieve unpleasant feelings and unwind after a stressful day at work or a tough argument with a partner. But for others, it can lead to addiction, or compulsive gambling, which is a serious and chronic illness that requires treatment and can be hard to beat.
A person who is suffering from a gambling problem needs to seek help for their gambling problems as well as their other problems, such as depression, stress or substance abuse. They may need to try and reduce the amount of money they spend on their gambling habit or they might need to stop completely.
Those who are affected by gambling should seek help as soon as possible from a specialist. They should also try and reduce the amount of time they spend gambling, and avoid using it as a form of stress relief or escapism.
If you are concerned that your friend or family member has a gambling problem, it is important to reach out for help. You can talk to someone about your concerns, such as a doctor or mental health professional, or you can use the Gambling Helpline.
You can also get advice and support from other people who have struggled with a gambling problem. They can give you a different perspective, and give you hope that you too can overcome your addiction.
The most important thing you can do if you are worried about a friend or family member is to listen and offer support. Then, you can help them to make positive changes to their life.